Design: Research Research Research

Ideally ~ Ethos
Published in
3 min readJul 11, 2016


Last month (June 2016), our user research associate Celestial conducted a survey to gauge general sentiments around mobile shopping. The core objective was to further understand (revisit, confirm or refute) expectations and behavior patterns, as we iterate on the Ideally app.

Given our mobile-first approach and the rapid evolution cycles shifting the commerce landscape, we believe it’s critically important to continually assess and adjust nimbly.

One note is the survey sample size was relatively small, so while not necessarily statistically significant, we felt the study was qualitatively viable from an insight progression standpoint. As Ideally is still in an early days stage, we optimize for speed, qualitative confidence, and continuous testing to revisit and chart shifts.

Here we share some of the slides/findings from our latest mobile commerce research survey:

At Ideally, we believe there is a massive opportunity to leverage mobile for a new customer-centric experience in commerce. As Benedict Evans eloquently put it recently, “Amazon is Google for products, but we have no Facebook for products.”

Looking at the list of the top 20 iOS apps, the dearth of commerce-centric apps is disproportionate to its role in society and our tech-enabled economy.

Findings from research studies like the above only strengthen our resolve that the times are a changin’…


Perhaps it’s existential jibber jabber, but one funny thought experiment we are exploring is where Ideally fits on the spectrum (or Venn diagram?) of these sentiments:

  1. The best way to predict the future is to create it. (Peter Drucker)
  2. The future is already here, it’s just not evenly distributed. (William Gibson)
  3. There is more certainty in reselling the past, than inventing the future. (Jan Chipchase)

