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‘Live fully now’ by Alan Watts

David Gudai
Published in
2 min readJan 28, 2017


My dad sent me an email this morning with a link to this new Volvo ad on YouTube. We had prior generations of Volvo stationwagons throughout my childhood, and a glossy white hand-me-down was my first car in high school.

When I called him this morning, he said something along the lines of “Pretty cool car, ey.”

I said something along the lines of “Very cool speech!”

I couldn’t find a good transcription online, so here it is (punctuation and spacing mine — I tried to follow the cadence of the original recording from 1959).

// My goodness, don’t you remember
// When you went
// First to school.

// You went to Kindergarten
// And Kindergarten, the idea was to push along so that you could get to first grade.
// And then push along so that you could get to second grade, third grade, and so on going up and up.
// Then you went to high school and this was a great transition in life.

// And all that pressure is being put on,
// You must get ahead.
// You must go up the grades and finally be good enough to get to college.

// And then when you get to college,
// You’re still going step by step, step by step up to the great moment in which you are ready to go out into the world.
// And then when you get out into this famous world, comes
// The struggle for success and profession of business.

// And then
// Suddenly
// When you’re about forty or forty-five years old in the middle of life,
// You wake up one day, and say,
// Huh?
// I’ve arrived.

// And while it is of tremendous use for us to be able to look ahead and to plan,
// There is no use planning for a future,
// Which when you get to it and it becomes the present, you won’t be there.
// You will be living in some other future which hasn’t yet arrived.

// And so in this way,
// One is never able actually to inherit and enjoy
// The fruits of one’s actions.

// You can’t live at all,
// Unless you can live fully
// Now.

- Alan Watts, philosopher, 1959.

